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Last week, we posted a number of comments from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima from the company’s investors briefing mainly pertaining to NX. This included questions/answers about the price, the need to have a steady stream of games, and more.

Nintendo has now put up a translation of the investor briefing Q&A. You can find a roundup of the official comments below.

For the fiscal year ending March 2017, projected sales of Wii U hardware is set quite low, due in part to the timing of the launch of NX (development code name for the new-concept dedicated video game system currently under development). During this planning stage, what was the thinking about the effect on the Nintendo 3DS system?

By setting the projected sales of Wii U hardware for the fiscal year to 800,000 units, we do not see that there would be any negative effect on the Nintendo 3DS business. We have major titles for Nintendo 3DS for the fiscal year ending March 2017, as I mentioned in the presentation, and there is a solid lineup of titles. That should greatly contribute to the sale of both the hardware and the software. The positive aspect of lowering the projected sales of Wii U hardware to 800,000 units is that it allows us to focus on the Nintendo 3DS system.

In just a matter of minutes, Nintendo made major announcements about the NX, the new Zelda game, its E3 2016 plans, and next mobile titles on Wednesday. Now that the dust has settled, it’s take to look back on the news and talk about it all.

Here’s a recap of everything:

– NX: not releasing this holiday as many expected, but will instead launch globally in March 2017; unveiling later this year
– Zelda: the new game is coming to both NX and Wii U; delayed to 2017 for a simultaneous launch on both platforms
– E3 2016: no NX at E3, Zelda will be the only playable title
– Mobile: Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing games coming this fall; the latter will connect “with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems”

Now it’s time to talk about the big news! How’s everyone absorbing the various announcements? I think for me, the most surprising thing is that Zelda is the only playable Nintendo game at E3. We’ve never really seen anything like that before. I do sort of wonder why Paper Mario: Color Splash isn’t going to be there, and we won’t be seeing anything on 3DS which seems slightly odd as well.

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Nintendo just put up the Q&A portion of its latest investors briefing. An official translation will likely be posted next week, but Cheesemeister has provided a summary for some of the topics discussed.

In what’s been translated, Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima touched on how Nintendo will be focusing on 3DS in the near-term. For NX, he touched on the need to build up NX’s software lineup, profitability (what that means for pricing), and how Nintendo will be missing the holiday season. Head past the break for the translation.

Q: It seems the great reduction in the Wii U hardware sales forecast is influenced by the timing of the NX release, but how about 3DS?

A: This fiscal year, the 3DS has big titles as previously presented, and in sufficient quantity. Both hardware and software will make large contributions to sales. Also, while Wii U sales are forecast to drop to 800,000 units, the upside is that we can focus on the 3DS.

Axiom Verge is making its way to Wii U soon, but that might not be the only Nintendo platform it ends up on. The game’s developer recently made a comment suggesting that a port could come to the NX as well.

The full statement reads:

I got a piece of good news today that indicates I might be able to have Axiom Verge ready for NX at launch…but basically that was as far as my source even knew. So I still have no idea what the system is like and still am reading sites like this to try and guess.

We’ll have to see what happens over the next several months. Hopefully by the end of the year we’ll have a clearer idea about which games will end up on NX.


Koei Tecmo has confirmed that they are developing for the NX. The company did not state what exactly they are working on, though. Koei Tecmo has recently developed several titles for Nintendo systems, such as Hyrule Warriors and Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water.

Source, via

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This information comes from Nintendo’s investors briefing as stated by president Tatsumi Kimishima…

We plan to release our new concept game system, currently being developed under the codename “NX,” in March 2017.

We will take another opportunity prior to the release to discuss the features and price of the NX, as well as the software lineup for launch.

We do not plan to show the NX at the E3 show in Los Angeles in June. We will introduce the NX at another time later this year.

Our E3 experience will focus on the latest title in The Legend of Zelda series. We have already released The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U and Hyrule Warriors Legends for Nintendo 3DS this year. Thirty years have passed since the release of the first title in The Legend of Zelda series, and we have even more in store for the future.


Nintendo finally provided an official update on NX today, but it probably wasn’t what many expected. Rather than launching by the end of the year, the new system will instead debut in March 2017.

Japanese paper Nikkei spoke with Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima, and asked why Nintendo won’t be launching NX in time for the holiday season. Kimishima responded by saying the company wanted to ensure that there were games to go along with the NX.

As far as what the system will offer, he wouldn’t divulge any specifics. Kimishima only said the following:

“At this current stage, I’m not able to say. However, it’s not merely the successor to the handheld 3DS or stationary console Wii U. This will be hardware that’s been made with a new way of thinking. I’d like to announce more particulars regarding its specs and how it works another time this year.”


The Legend of Zelda Wii U

NX will not be featured at E3 2016 next month, according to the Wall Street Journal’s Takashi Mochizuki. He further reports that Nintendo will focus on Zelda at the expo.


Nintendo has just made a significant announcement regarding the upcoming Zelda game for Wii U.

First, the title is no longer slated for release this year, and is now expected in 2017. It’s confirmed for NX as well in addition to Wii U. The new entry in the Zelda series will launch simultaneously on both platforms.

Nintendo said it will use the extra time to improve the quality of the project.


NX will launch around the world in March 2017, Nintendo has revealed.

That news comes straight from the Nintendo’s latest financial report. In it, the company states: “For our dedicated video game platform business, Nintendo is currently developing a gaming platform codenamed ‘NX’ with a brand-new concept. NX will be launched in March 2017 globally.”

Further details about the new system were not revealed. We’ll see if we receive any additional nuggets during the investor’s briefing later today.



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