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Yooka-Replaylee Shovel Knight

Playtonic just announced that Shovel Knight will be making a return in Yooka-Replaylee, its updated version of the 3D platformer.

Today’s news was shared in celebration of Playtonic’s tenth anniversary. Shovel Knight himself will have “a shiny coat of paint”, and players can expect a new and improved quest for players to undertake.


Playtonic has just announced that it’s bringing Yooka-Replaylee to “Nintendo”, which one would have to think is Switch’s successor.

The game was first announced earlier in the year. It’s a remaster / remake of Yooka-Laylee, the debut project from Playtonic. The title features improved graphics, more dynamic worlds, new and improved challenges, new collectibles, new characters, quality of life improvements, and more.

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