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The Wizard director on Nintendo’s involvement with the film, sent a Power Glove rep to the set

Posted on April 12, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News

The Wizard and Nintendo almost go hand-in-hand. As those who have seen the film know, the Power Glove plays a role, as does Super Mario Bros. 3.

Director Todd Holland shared more about Nintendo’s involvement in an interview with Arcade Attack. When asked if the Big N had any special requests for product placement or requested any changes, Holland explained:

“Those were more innocent times. And the irony is… saying that the times were more innocent is to say it was still ‘news’ to have a movie embrace such crassly commercial elements: ‘Fred Savage and Nintendo – two things kids love. Let’s put them together and make a lot of money.’ Today, no one even blinks at Transformers being a wall-to-wall GM commercial. We expect on–screen characters to be drinking Coca-Cola and using Apple computers. We expect Jack Bauer to dial on his Nokia brand phone. That’s just the way everything is done now. But that kind of product placement was news then. So to answer your question… Nintendo was cooperating fully. They had products they wanted to promote: Super Mario 3 and the Power Glove among them. But it wasn’t like we had to say yes – but we weren’t complaining either. These products fit nicely into our script. We were, after all, a video game movie. So, much like those GM cars in Transformers, we were a good fit with Nintendo. And no, they never told us to change the script in any way.”

Holland was also asked if Nintendo insisted for the Power Glove to be given its own scene. Regarding that, he said:

“No… But the Power Glove was big news. And it was a no-brainer to put it into the spotlight – especially to empower our slick villain, Lucas, and put over heroes at a disadvantage to his greater skill, knowledge and experience. Nintendo never told us what scene to put the Power Glove. in…. But they did send a ‘Power Glove’ rep to the set to watch over it (it was very top secret then) and to make sure we presented it in a respectful ‘proper light’.”


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