{"id":130989,"date":"2013-08-08T10:45:14","date_gmt":"2013-08-08T14:45:14","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/?p=130989"},"modified":"2013-08-09T00:40:11","modified_gmt":"2013-08-09T04:40:11","slug":"pokemon-xy-scans-reveal-new-mega-forms-of-existing-pokemon-new-pokemon","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/pokemon-xy-scans-reveal-new-mega-forms-of-existing-pokemon-new-pokemon\/","title":{"rendered":"Pokemon X\/Y scans reveal new “Mega” forms of existing Pokemon, new Pokemon"},"content":{"rendered":"
Update 3:<\/strong> With more scans coming in, we’ve removed the rumor tag and are classifying this as official news. <\/p>\n Update 2:<\/strong> More details:<\/p>\n – MBlaziken has Speed Boost Update:<\/strong> Assuming this is the real deal, the new Mewtwo form is a part of the “Mega” category. Blaziken, Absol, Lucario, Ampharos, and Mawile have these forms as well.<\/p>\n Gogoat’s pre-evolution is said to be Meekuru. CoroCoro, supposedly, also reveals the electric\/fairy-type Dedenne and the normal rabbit “Horubii”.<\/p>\n
\n– MLucario has Adaptability
\n– MMawile has Huge Power
\n– MAbsol has Magic Bounce
\n– MAmpharos is Electric\/Dragon and has Mold Breaker
\n– Mawile is also re-typed Steel\/Fairy
\n– Dedenne is an Antennae Pokemon, knows Pick-Up or Cheek Pouches
\n– Horubii is a Digging Pokemon, knows Pick-Up or Cheek Pouches
\n– Koruni: gym leader who holds the key to Mega Evolutions
\n– Torchic being distributed with Mega Stone allowing it to become Mega Blaziken, October 12-January 15th via WiFi<\/p>\n\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div> \n\t\t\t\n \n\t\t\t\t
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