{"id":171835,"date":"2014-09-07T13:24:03","date_gmt":"2014-09-07T17:24:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/?p=171835"},"modified":"2014-09-07T13:24:03","modified_gmt":"2014-09-07T17:24:03","slug":"toads-in-mechs-were-scrapped-from-mario-strikers-charged","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/toads-in-mechs-were-scrapped-from-mario-strikers-charged\/","title":{"rendered":"Toads in mechs were scrapped from Mario Strikers Charged"},"content":{"rendered":"

New concept has appeared online showing scrapped concepts of Toads in mechs from Mario Strikers Charged. <\/p>\n

Supposedly, Next Level Games planned on having them act as security, referees, and substitutes for ball boys around the perimeter of each pitch during gameplay. The idea was dropped due to perceived tech limitations with the Wii hardware.<\/p>\n

Another interesting tidbit: Mario Strikers Charged was originally going to be called Super Mario Strikers 2. You can find the original logo – as well as concept art of the scrapped Toad mechs – in the gallery below. <\/p>\n\n\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t