{"id":437525,"date":"2016-08-09T00:13:09","date_gmt":"2016-08-09T04:13:09","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/?p=437525"},"modified":"2016-08-09T00:26:27","modified_gmt":"2016-08-09T04:26:27","slug":"niantic-test-shows-that-pokemon-go-is-getting-major-tracking-improvements","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/niantic-test-shows-that-pokemon-go-is-getting-major-tracking-improvements\/","title":{"rendered":"Niantic test shows that Pokemon GO is getting major tracking improvements"},"content":{"rendered":"

Pokemon GO received its latest update<\/a><\/b> yesterday. For a select group of players fortunate enough, they now have access to some features Niantic is testing. There are big improvements across the board when it comes to tracking.<\/p>\n

First, you’ll see that the Nearby section has changed to a greater extent than we knew of previously. Players can now see the closest PokeStop if a Pokemon is near there. Also, when touching a Pokemon and select “view”, it zooms out and takes you to an overview map – the Pokemon appears to be in the pink circle. Choosing the Pokemon to track puts a marker on the live map, and when one flees, you’ll be notified with a message.<\/p>\n

Here’s a look at what’s to come for tracking in Pokemon GO:<\/p>\n

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