{"id":496469,"date":"2017-07-08T08:25:09","date_gmt":"2017-07-08T12:25:09","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/?p=496469"},"modified":"2017-07-12T01:29:11","modified_gmt":"2017-07-12T05:29:11","slug":"fire-emblem-heroes-version-1-5-0-datamining-tobin-incoming-and-more","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/fire-emblem-heroes-version-1-5-0-datamining-tobin-incoming-and-more\/","title":{"rendered":"Fire Emblem Heroes version 1.5.0 datamining – Tobin incoming and more"},"content":{"rendered":"
Nintendo sent out Fire Emblem Heroes version 1.5.0 this week. It was a significant update, adding Chain Challenge and Squad Assault modes in Story Maps.<\/p>\n
Whenever an update comes out, fans usually pick through the files and get busy with datamining. For the new Fire Emblem Heroes update, this was no different.<\/p>\n
Among what was found is that Tobin is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. Early speculation points to the character being a sword user. Aside from Tobin, fans have found more log-in bonuses, Yamada Kotaro quests, chapter 12, Berkut’s map planned for the final Tempest Trial map, new Sacred Seals, and a Bound Hero Battle Map.<\/p>\n
Here’s a further roundup of data mined content from HAPPYSADPERSONCordelia and chipchocolat:<\/p>\n
- Tobin Description<\/strong>
\nMPID_\u30ed\u30d3\u30f3: Tobin
\nMPID_HONOR_\u30ed\u30d3\u30f3: The Clueless One
\nMPID_H_\u30ed\u30d3\u30f3: Alm’s childhood friend from Ram Village. Honest\\nto a fault, and suffers for it. Appears in Fire\\nEmblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
\nMPID_VOICE_\u30ed\u30d3\u30f3: Robbie Daymond
\nMPID_ILLUST_\u30ed\u30d3\u30f3: kaya8<\/li>\n- Sacred Seals<\/strong>
\nMSID_\u901f\u3055\u306e\u865a\u52e21: Phantom Spd 1
\nMSID_\u7b2c1\u8ff7\u5bae\u306e\u8987\u80051: Squad Ace A 1
\nMSID_H_\u901f\u3055\u306e\u865a\u52e21: When any skill compares this unit’s Spd\\nstat to another unit’s, this unit’s Spd stat\\nis counted as +5 over actual value.
\nMSID_H_\u7b2c1\u8ff7\u5bae\u306e\u8987\u80051: Grants HP+3.
\nTobin Dialogues<\/a><\/li>\n- New Map Names<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
- Quests<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n
- Squad Assault Details<\/strong>
\nMID_SEQUENTIAL_TRIAL_HELP_DIALOG_00: Keep fighting! Use many allies.
\nMID_SEQUENTIAL_TRIAL_HELP_DIALOG_01: Squad Assault:\\nAfter clearing one map, you’ll\\nimmediately continue to the\\nnext map.\\n\\nHeroes who participate in battle\\nare captured after one map and\\ncannot join the fight later.
\nMID_SEQUENTIAL_TRIAL_HELP_DIALOG_02: Four Heroes per Map:\\nEach map requires four Heroes.\\nYou must have enough Heroes\\nto complete all maps in a set.\\n\\nFor example, for five battles, you\\nwill need 20 unique Heroes.\\n(Duplicates do not count.)
\nMID_SEQUENTIAL_TRIAL_HELP_DIALOG_03: The Rules:\\n\u30fb You cannot place a Hero and\\ntheir duplicate on the same team.\\n\\n\u30fb Heroes who participate in one\\nbattle cannot participate in later\\nmaps in a set. (Duplicate Heroes\\ncannot be used later either.)
\nMID_SEQUENTIAL_TRIAL_HELP_DIALOG_04: Releasing Heroes:\\nOnce you clear a set of maps or\\nget a game over, all Heroes will\\nbe released.\\n\\nThis means that all your Heroes\\nwill be free to battle once again.<\/li>\n- Chain Challenge Details<\/strong>
\nMID_STAGE_SELECT_TRIAL_INFO: Play several maps in a row.
\nMID_STAGE_SELECT_BIND_INFO: Face a devastating challenge.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n \n\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div> \n\t\t\t\n \n\t\t\t\t
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