{"id":574371,"date":"2018-09-25T09:15:42","date_gmt":"2018-09-25T13:15:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/?p=574371"},"modified":"2018-09-25T09:15:42","modified_gmt":"2018-09-25T13:15:42","slug":"pokemon-meltan-official-announcement-screenshots-and-art","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nintendoeverything.com\/pokemon-meltan-official-announcement-screenshots-and-art\/","title":{"rendered":"Pokemon – Meltan official announcement, screenshots and art"},"content":{"rendered":"
The Pokemon Company has passed along an official announcement for the new Pokemon Meltan. Find the full PR, along with a few images showing screenshots and art.<\/p>\n
The Pok\u00e9mon Company International, Niantic, Inc., and Nintendo announced today that a new Mythical Pok\u00e9mon has been discovered in the world of Pok\u00e9mon GO: Meltan!<\/p>\n
Meltan is a Steel-type Pok\u00e9mon with a body made mostly of liquid metal, which makes its shape very fluid. This Pok\u00e9mon can use its liquid arms and legs to corrode metal and absorb it into its body. Meltan can generate electricity using the metal it absorbs from outside sources. It uses this electricity as an energy source and for an attack it fires from its eye.<\/p>\n
Name: Meltan
\nCategory: Hex Nut Pok\u00e9mon
\nHeight: 0’08”
\nWeight: 17.6 lbs.
\nType: Steel<\/p>\nIn Pok\u00e9mon GO, sightings of Ditto that have transformed into Meltan have been reported. Professor Oak and Professor Willow have started research on Meltan. Professor Oak, one of the leading authorities in the field of Pok\u00e9mon research, is based in the Kanto region\u2019s Pallet Town. In Pok\u00e9mon: Let\u2019s Go, Pikachu! and Pok\u00e9mon: Let\u2019s Go, Eevee!, he gives a Pok\u00e9dex to both you and your rival\u2014entrusting you with his dream of completing it. Meanwhile, with the help of Pok\u00e9mon GO players around the world, Professor Willow conducts his research in the field to fully understand the habitats and distribution of Pok\u00e9mon. He was once an assistant to Professor Oak, and he talks to Oak, his mentor, whenever he runs into a hitch in his research.<\/p>\n
It has been determined that Pok\u00e9mon GO is somehow key to meeting Meltan in Pok\u00e9mon: Let\u2019s Go, Pikachu! and Pok\u00e9mon: Let\u2019s Go, Eevee! Updates will be provided as more is discovered about this mysterious Mythical Pok\u00e9mon.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n
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