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The ‘Extra-Life’ live-stream is over, but you can watch (almost) every bit of it online here!

Posted on October 21, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features

Watch it from the beginning here!

Well folks, that was a LOT of fun. Admittedly we didn’t hit our goal, but we still raised a hundred and a half for charity, which is pretty dang awesome for not only our first charity event, but our first live-stream AND “Let’s Play” events ever all rolled into one big… thing. I really want to thank everyone who donated, watched, chatted, commented, or even thought about doing any of those things. I really, truly appreciate it! I actually want to give a special shout-out to the few folks who stayed up absurdly late, chatted with us via the uStream chat, and helped fend off the exhaustion by a few more hours.

If you missed it but you have a passing interest in seeing one of the many games we played (Mario Party, Brawl, Goldeneye 64, Banjo Kazooie, Warioware, etc etc etc), you can actually watch almost every single bit of it via uStream for a limited time. There are lulls in the action (it’s unedited so it includes eating time, figuring tech out time, etc etc), and a few parts didn’t get recorded, but I think you could find things worth seeing. Especially once the entire gang rolls around in late part 2/part 3.

Watch them all here!

These will only be up for a limited time as I only have so much space I can use on uStream without paying (expect them to be there for about a month), but I plan on editing together a “highlight reel” to entice other folks into watching future streams. You’ll notice some issues with this stream if you watch bits, and I wanted to list them so you know they are technical kinks that we learned from for future reference:

– Audio levels (vocals vs. game audio) were poor in the beginning.
– We will be buying a proper vocal mic for better audio quality as well.
– Video got choppy when playing Brawl (the ONE game it would be worst to have choppy, haha)

Aside from that, things went really well from a technical standpoint. Thanks for hanging out, guys!


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