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Demolition Robots K.K.

On top of the already planned port of Back in 1995, Japanese developer Throw the Warped code out today announced that they are also bringing a four-player co-op robot action game to the Switch in the form of Demolition Robots K.K..

Although no release date has been revealed quite yet, some preliminary details have been shared through the game’s official website. From the sound of things, a team of up to four players will be tasked to work together and destroy an entire city as efficiently as possible, as damaging friends will result in a penalty and less payout for completion of the job.

Kicking it off quickly, it has been confirmed that a prototype version of Demolition Robots K.K. will be playable at the Digital Games Expo 2018 on November 4 in Akihabara.

Some early screens of the game can be viewed in the gallery below.

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