Re-introducing… Game Nights! Come play games with us every weekend

Those of you that have been following Nintendo Everything for a while may remember that we used to do something called ‘Game Nights’ every weekend where the NE staff (myself and Brian primarily, but now we’ve more staff!) would come together with various readers to play online games together in a giant explosion of fun and competition. It was never very serious, and unfortunately due to time constraints we had to cancel the event until further notice.
Well, that “further notice” turned out to be now! Game Nights are returning in full force coming soon, but first we need to know something: What days and times work best for all of you guys!?
Through the wonders of Google Drive, I’ve made a nice form that you can briefly fill out picking a day of the week and a time. Brian and I will look at the results, see what fits our schedule, and then let you guys know what ends up being the day! Or perhaps we’ll do different days every weekend, I dunno.