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Ubisoft likes Wii U a lot, will continue to support it

Posted on November 29, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U

This may not come as a surprise to many of you, but Ubisoft says they like the Wii U! After giving the console a plethora launch titles (including the wonderful survival horror title ZombiU), the company is gearing up for tonight’s launch in the UK. Here’s what they had to say about the Wii U in general:

“Since E3, Nintendo has been consistently building presence in consumers’ minds through their PR activities as well as events and media. Over that period, we have also been pushing our own games to position them as key choices for gamers who purchase the console. On some occasions such as E3, we’ve worked together to ensure maximum exposure for both companies. We find core gamers and the technologically-minded tend to be the first adopters of new consoles. It’s no real surprise that games that appeal to this audience are more likely to perform well early on. As Wii U reaches broader audiences, we will see a shift in the types of games bought.”

And here’s an added tidbit of praise for the big N and their hardware development:

“Once again, Nintendo is the first to bring something new to home consoles. The innovation brought by the Wii U marks a step change, which will become more obvious as users familiarise themselves with these new gameplay possibilities.”

I hope you European folks area ready! Just a few more hours!


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