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UK tabloids blame Call of Duty and Dynasty Warriors for Sandy Hook school tragedy

Posted on December 18, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, News

After any tragic public display of violence– such as the recent, heartbreaking shooting at Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, Connecticut– there is always a certain subset of society that instantly tries to find something to blame like video games, movies, gun control laws, the media, etc. While narrowing the causes down to anything so simple is somewhat shortsighted and narrow-minded, it hasn’t stopped the UK tabloids from spreading misinformation about the shooter from Friday’s events.

“The Sun” and “The Daily Express” have both said they got information from a plumber (the irony is not lost) who got a look into the basement room where the shooter spent most of his time, and they said he appeared to play “Call of Duty” and “Dynasty Warriors”.

Via EuroGamer

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