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Nintendo: R4 sales are mooching off of developers’ creativity

Posted on August 23, 2010 by (@NE_Austin) in DS, News

“Cases like this do take time to come before a judge. The popularity of the DS family continues. The consoles are still seeing fairly strong sales. Yes, there are people who already possess these devices and we don’t target individuals or potential customers. But the commercial pirates, those who were profiteering from our IP and third-party publishers’ content, we will continue to target those companies and those individuals. They are making easy money off the back of creative talent.” – Nintendo’s Euro anti-piracy counsel Neil Boyd

This is exactly why people who sell R4 and flash carts should be stopped. Honestly, the biggest reason people buy these things is to pirate video games that they could buy legally, and that’s entirely unfair to the developer of the game who put hard work and funds into making the title. Support developers, for goodness’ sake!


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