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Hundred Days in the works for Switch

Posted on July 15, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Hundred Days

Broken Arms Games has announced that Hundred Days, a winery-making game, is on the way to Switch. A release window has not yet been confirmed.

Here’s an overview of Hundred Days plus a trailer:

In Hundred Days you will have complete control of a new winery, you will have to choose which vines to grow and how to grow them and when to harvest, you will have to follow the entire winemaking process and make the choices that best suit the type of wine you want to produce or that market requires. You will also have to sell the wine produced to allow your company to expand.

As in reality, every choice made, from the vineyard to the sales, will be able to influence the wine produced both quantitatively and qualitatively. A quality wine will increase the reputation of your company worldwide, it may have come at a higher price and will allow you to grow better and faster.

Simulative and realistic approach suitable for both beginners and more experienced players
The ability to cultivate different types of vine
Analyze the soil and choose the grape variety that best suits those characteristics
Organize work in the vineyard such as pruning or chipping
Protect your vines through specific treatments depending on the type of disease
Check the state of ripeness of the grapes and decide when to harvest
Follow the winemaking processes and enhance the characteristics of your wine
Select the yeasts and bacteria used during fermentation
Decide how and which of your wines age with aging
Customize your bottles by choosing their shape, color and other aesthetic characteristics
Create your sales network and adapt the characteristics of your product to the type of customer
Manage marketing and social activities to increase the reputation of your company


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