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Adventure game Gastova: The Witches of Arkana lined up for Switch

Posted on January 3, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Gastova The Witches of Arkana

Previously, Gastova: The Witches of Arkana was successfully funded on Kickstarter, and the project is lined up for Switch. MechWolf Productions was able to raise around $10,000, which was a bit more than the original funding goal.

Gastova: The Witches of Arkana is described as “a light-hearted 2D adventure game” inspired by the likes of Mega Man and Wonder Boy. Players will take on the role of Witch Guardian of Arkana as they go on a journey to track down and defeat the fellow witches that were once Gastova’s classmates and/or closest friends.

As a platformer, there’ll be a lot of jumping, dodging, and shooting. The game has a total of eight different landscapes with unique obstacles. All areas contain two parts, and at the end of each one, you’ll take on a boss.

Gastova can upgrade by using special currency to enhance her abilities. It’s also suggested that there’ll be hidden power ups throughout the world. Also, by defeating other witches, you’ll receive their blessing and awaken Gastova’s power to channel her friend’s magic.

Gastova: The Witches of Arkana does not have a release window at this time. As we hear more about the game, we’ll continue to keep you informed.

You can find the official website here.

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