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Rainforest adventure Flutter Away seeing Switch release

Posted on June 10, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Flutter Away

Today, Runaway Play announced that it will release its upcoming title Flutter Away on Switch. The rainforest adventure is scheduled for August 3, 2023.

Flutter Play is a cozy short nature exploration game that has players taking on the role of a butterfly researcher. In the five-day campaign, they’ll photograph and befriend new pals, take on fun tasks both day and night, and more.

Additional information can be found in the following overview:

Set up camp, walk the nearby tracks and enjoy the beauty of the rainforest at whatever pace is most comfortable.

Search for mushrooms, frogs, flowers and other rainforest life as a skilled butterfly researcher. Photograph discoveries to reveal more in a detailed nature journal.

Encounter all kinds of creatures and plant life. Build a friendship with a shy Capybara and discover her secret!

Experience the relaxing feeling of spending time alone in nature. Enjoy the soothing ambiance of the cascading waterfall, capture the magnificent hues of the sunset through your lens, and marvel at the twinkling stars that light up the night sky.

Take a look at a trailer for Flutter Away below.

The game is expected digitally on the Switch eShop. Stay tuned for a final release date.

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