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Party racer Rallyallyally releasing on Switch in December

Posted on October 18, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop


Hairy Heart Games will be putting its new game Rallyallyally on Switch, the studio announced today. The game is due out on December 7, 2023.

Rallyallyally is a local multiplayer party racer featuring the rolling road, which has the leader deciding the way to the finish line during the race. More information can be found in the following overiew:

At its core Rallyallyally is a chaotic racer, where you compete with other drivers to roll out the road. Whilst our suggested way to play is with 7 other friends in local multiplayer, we have also provided support for bots too (with a maximum of 8 racers at any time), allowing for true anarchy!

Some players go where the road leads them, others will make their own paths. As the leader of the race, you’re in control of the track, and you decide the path to victory. To hold on to that lead you’ll need to use your skills, reflexes and a giant boxing glove to bring it home. Let’s be honest, it’ll mostly be the giant boxing glove.

Aiming to be a new staple of any party games night, Rallyallyally has been designed with replayability in mind. No two rounds will be the same, whether that’s because of what powerups were dropped, how you’ve customized your car, or because Dave has decided that he’s quite good at this all of a sudden. We hope that you can see the love, sweat and oil spills that have gone into Rallyallyally, and that you enjoy it as much as we have whilst making it over the past few years.

Lead developer Joe Bain said today: “I hope players pick up Rallyallyally and think ‘Hey, there’s nothing quite like this.’ It was one of those ideas that came out of a game jam, but we ran with it, and 4 years later here we are with a totally unique and fun racing game.. We love creating silly games that surprise people. Hopefully this is the first of many for Hairy Heart.”

Find a trailer for Rallyallyally below.

Release Date Trailer

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