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Sony says PlayStation Portal isn’t a Switch competitor

Posted on October 29, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Sony will soon be launching the PlayStation Portable, a device that lets users portably play PS5 games. That alone may have some comparing it to Switch. However, Sony boss Eric Lempel says it’s not a rival to Nintendo’s console or the Steam Deck for that matter.

Speaking with BBC, Lempel said “It’s a different proposition and really just something unique for the PlayStation audience.”

There’s one key hang-up that sets Switch and the PlayStation Portal apart. Whereas Nintendo’s system plays everything right on the device, an internet connection is needed to stream content from the PS5 to Sony’s new unit.

A number of handheld devices have entered the gaming space since the Switch launched in 2017. The aforementioned Steam Deck, which is primarily intended to play Steam games portably, is one of the bigger ones. But even years later, Switch has showed staying power and has been one of the more successful gaming platforms at all time. Nearly 130 million units have been sold worldwide as of June 30, 2023.

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