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Sulfur, modern old-school action adventure game, in the works for Switch

Posted on December 19, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Perfect Random’s new game Sulfur will be made available on Switch, the studio has confirmed. Currently it’s targeting a 2024 release.

Sulfur is a modern old-school action adventure game in which players will look to outsmart enemies, find treasure, improve weapons, and harness powers. More information is included in the following overview:

Plan ahead to outsmart enemies and progress through a world of dark creatures and cunning evil. Utilize playful and tactile weaponry in visceral and intense combat. Make creative builds with weapons, equipment, tools and enchantments to aid your quest. Be a gun-blazing risktaker or carefully plan out strategies. There’s plenty of playstyles – the choice is yours.

A place filled to the brim with action, juicy guns, dashing combat and monstrosities lurking around every corner. Enhance guns with combinations of a wide variety of enchantments and attachments. Explore to discover secrets, find loot and treasure – but be careful. Think carefully; everything you bring can be lost, anything you don’t bring is not there to help you. Every decision is bound with risk.

Experience the atmosphere, suspense and tribulation of a world in redemption. What happened? Why did it happen? Travel through misty vales, dark forests, sordid Black Guild shanties and pass through castle walls and beyond. Go deeper, head on. Answers come to those who listen.

Explore, discover, uncover. On your adventure you encounter odd creatures in in the most unexpected places – heed their warnings. They may despise you, admire you, cheer you on, or be indifferent to you and your journey. Will you have to charm, threat, bribe, or rid them? Will they help you? Will you help them?

Get a look at a trailer for Sulfur below.

Gameplay Trailer

The game should launch digitally on Switch via the eShop. Stay tuned for a final release date.

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