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Twin-stick shooter Satryn DX to release on Switch

Posted on June 20, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

The twin-stick shooter Satryn DX will be appearing on Switch, Flynn’s Arcade announced today. It’ll be ready to go on July 18, 2024.

Satryn DX is a twin-stick shooter with “infinite levels of chaotic, physics-based baddie blasting.” More information can be found in the following overview:

Save your friends to increase the score multiplier. The bigger the score, the more power-ups will spawn. 

Key Features

  • 12 fearsome baddies (not cuddly)
  • 9 power-ups that will make you smile and say “i’m having fun”
  • 5 hazards that add to the chaotic nature of this strange place
  • 60 shiny achievements to collect
  • A manual that reveals helpful hints and useless lore as you discover things
  • The love of your friends makes you stronger
  • Worldwide leaderboard

Take a look at a trailer for Satryn DX below.

Official Trailer

The game will be sold digitally on the Switch eShop. Pricing is set at $6.99, though there’ll be a 20 percent discount for the first week.

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