Luck be a Landlord Nintendo Switch physical release announced
Just a day before its digital launch, Luck be a Landlord has now been announced for physical release.
All we know at present is that Fangamer will be handling production. The company typically follows up with more information, but that’s all we have to go on currently. Fangamer didn’t say share launch timing or anything else for that matter. But with the digital release imminent, it’s good to get a heads up that there’ll be a boxed version coming soon.
We’ve got some details about the game via the following overview:
Begin as an optimistic renter with low payments, and watch in horror as they creep higher and higher! Add symbols to the slot machine after each spin to collect coins, accruing funds ahead of the next due date. Rejoice at a high-yield turn, but beware: luck can easily run out, resulting in empty pockets and untimely eviction.
Synergize slot symbols and special items to create lucrative chain reactions. Choose between furry friends, precious gems, and other unlikely symbols. Transform eggs into chickens, sprout seeds into fruit, watch toddlers devour delicious candy, and avoid the catastrophic loss of the Hex of Destruction!
Increase earnings with myriad powerful items: stockpile extra coins with the Swear Jar, smash urns with the Grave Robber, and try to score rare symbols with the X-Ray Machine. Luck doesn’t have to be tenants’ only ally: get a little help from Commie McComrade’s game-changing boosts, allowing the rerolling of choices and the removal of symbols.
Make 12 payments to game the capitalist system of property ownership and defeat the dreaded landlord! However, rent payment never really ends, does it? Ascend additional floors, each with mounting difficulty after defeating the landlord. Battle increasing rent, dwindling skips, and the crushing demands of capitalism to reach the top floor and come face to face with a secret boss.
When we receive more information about the Luck be a Landlord physical release, we’ll update this post. More coverage of the title is located here.
Thanks to Fangamer for today’s news.