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Action platformer Mariachi Legends announced for Switch

Posted on June 8, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Mariachi Legends

You may know Halberd Studios from its work on 9 Years of Shadows, and it’s now been confirmed that the studio’s new project Mariachi Legends is heading to Switch. As of now it’s planned to hit later in 2024.

Mariachi Legends is an action platformer in which you descend into Santa Mascota as Detective Pablo Cruz, chosen by Death herself. The title combines side-scrolling beat ’em up gameplay with Mexican culture.

Learn more about the title in the following overview:

You are Pablo Cruz, a Mexican detective selected by Lady Death herself to take on the greatest case of his career: Retrieving a mighty amulet that can undermine her power over the Realm of the Dead and disrupt el Día de los Muertos. Armed with the mighty La Sombra and a Mariachi suit imbued with supernatural powers, it’s time for you to descend into the underworld and confront the Mariachi Legends and their minions – before it’s too late!

Combining side-scrolling beat-em-up gameplay with vibrant Mexican culture, Mariachi Legends is an unique experience. Responsive, fast-paced combat meets platforming, exploration, and copious amounts of quirky, old school violence for a good cause. Not to mention, death not as a failure, but a stepping stone to fulfilling Cruz’ ultimate quest.

Key Features

  • Enjoy responsive, fast-paced combat that demands precise timing and reflexes, fighting against waves upon waves of enemies sent by Mariachi Legends.
  • Explore vast, branching levels rendered in meticulous detail with beautiful pixel art. Every branch is a challenge and an opportunity!
  • Change up your experience with Tarot cards, which can enhance your abilities… Or put your game on its head with unique modifiers.
  • Immerse yourself in Mexican culture, from the art style to the vibrant Santa Mascota, a town perched on the border between the worlds of the living and the dead.
  • Experience the wonderful, spicy world of Mexican cuisine, unlocking recipes that can enhance Cruz’ powers (and tickle your taste buds).
  • Meet unique characters and learn their diverse stories, as you delve into the mysteries of the Mexican afterlife, accompanied by the haunting melodies of the mariachi-infused soundtrack.

Take a look at a trailer for Mariachi Legends below.

Official Trailer


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