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Adventure puzzler Harmony’s Odyssey announced for Switch

Posted on February 9, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Harmony's Odyssey

MythicOwl today announced Harmony’s Odyssey, a new adventure puzzler. The game will be launching for Switch later in 2021.

Here’s an overview of Harmony’s Odyssey with additional information:

From a peaceful forest hut near the city Olympus comes Harmony, a young, fierce wizard. She ventures out on a quest to find her envious cat, who stole her magic wand and tangled the world like a clump of yarn.

Meet wonderful, curious creatures and experience their daily lives full of comedy and drama, where fables and urban legends are shared on smartphones and even a dragon can sometimes get stuck in traffic. A trio of penguins looking to shoot some selfies? Minotaurs getting ready for another Bull Football match? Get to know them better and bring their little worlds together – piece by piece!

Key Features:

– 3D tile-based gameplay with interactive puzzles
– Seven distinctive worlds filled with life and myths
– Exciting, wide range action mini-games to enjoy
– Delightful, eye-candy graphics and climatic soundtrack
– Cheerful, fussy creatures that resemble real life animals
– Engaging, thoughtful riddles to solve
– Eventful comedy & drama story combining mythological and contemporary themes

And a trailer:

Harmony’s Odyssey will be sold digitally for Switch via the eShop.

Source: MythicOwl PR

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