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Ambient Studios talks possibility of bringing Death Inc. to Wii U

Posted on February 15, 2013 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U, Wii U eShop

“Actually I think Death Inc. would be a great fit. To be honest we hadn’t thought about it much before the Kickstarter campaign – but there’s been this support for the idea that we thought… hang on. This could work. The control mechanic is very tactile and satisfying – it would be perfect for any touch screen device.

“And even better for the Wii U because we wouldn’t have to compromise on the visuals like we might have to do if we did a tablet version (which would also be cool). I love, love, love the ‘living room’ experience of playing games — it’s my favourite setting, so it would be amazing to see it there.”

– Ambient Studios co-founder Johnny Hopper

The sooner they get it out the better! I know if it came out, got decent reviews, and wasn’t priced too ridiculously I would pick it up in a second since there isn’t much else on the eShop at this point. Heck, I almost picked up Puddle the other day simply because I wanted something to play on Wii U that was new… but I didn’t in the end. Whether there would be more support for Death Inc. I’m not sure– I know that reviews would probably play a big role in getting people to pick it up, since there likely wouldn’t be any measurable “hype” around an eShop release.

Via Nintendo Life

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