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Armikrog for Wii U almost certain even if Kickstarter stretch goal isn’t reached, exclusive content

Posted on June 26, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Armikrog isn’t guaranteed to be fully funded on Kickstarter. Donations have kicked up considerably over the past couple of days, but there’s still roughly $65,000 needed before the $900,000 goal is reached. The Wii U stretch goal also looms at $950,000.

So what will happen if Armikrog misses out on its Wii U target? Nothing, really! Animation director Mike Dietz recently said that the team will simply take pre-orders through Paypal and “continue funding the game.”

“If we fund the game through Kickstarter but fall a little short of the 950K Wii U stretch goal, we’ll open up a Paypal site to take pre-orders to continue funding the game. I feel confident we can make up the difference after the KS ends.”

Dietz also shared a little information regarding the Wii U version of Armikrog. It will contain exclusive content, but Dietz didn’t reveal any specifics.

“We’re still working through the design and how Armikrog will best utilize the unique capabilities of the Wii U, but it is safe to say there will be content exclusive to the Wii U.”


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