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Calm Night of Snowfall could come to Wii U, developer trying to collect funds through crowdfunding

Posted on July 11, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

“Calm Night of Snowfall” is yet another indie game that could make its way to the Wii U eShop with enough funding from fans. Developer Unnamed Stdio is looking to raise €50,000 in order to bring its first-person survival-horror title to the console.

Calm Night of Snowfall has you playing as a man who has lost his memory. You’ll run through the city as he attempts to rediscover his past. However, due to the extreme cold, the man will often need to head into buildings, where creatures wait in the shadows. Each time you play Calm Night of Snowfall, the experience is different. That’s because the city is randomly generated.

Unnamed Stdio is using the Spanish platform Idea Rapida as its crowdfunding source. You can donate and find more information about the project here.


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