Teku Studios has confirmed that Candle will be coming to Wii U. The team has managed to become an official developer for the console, and dev kits will be received “anytime soon”.
Wii U will remain on the Kickstarter campaign as a stretch goal. If hit, Candle will be guaranteed to hit the console on launch not. Otherwise, Teku said, “we can’t promise this one to be a launch day version, unfortunately. It may take us some additional weeks.”
You can find the official Kickstater page here.
You may have noticed a little slow down on our Update pace these days. Turns out, we’ve been really busy!! We really want to take Candle to Next-Gen consoles, so we immediately talked to Nintendo and showed them our precious game. They loved what we are doing at Teku Studios and have already confirmed us to be official Wii U developers! We have already requested the DevKits and should arrive anytime soon, so you can totally say that Wii U is officially a release platform for Candle. Yay!
We love Nintendo platforms since our childhood has been full of them, so it was natural for us to go for it. We are already thinking about dedicated gameplay on Wii U – we are not doing any kind of quick port. We will designe specific gameplay features for its gamepad: all the menus, inventory and minigames will be tactile-controled on the touchscreen, as well as other unique actions concerning Teku’s candle. We will talk more deeply about this when we start developing all that stuff.
But what does this means in terms of stretch goals? Well, the Wii U one will still remain until the end of the campaign. This is a dedicated development, and so we need extra time and effort to do it correctly with the all-new features. If we could fund it, we would hire some extra professionals and make this a day-1 version, but if we don’t reach it we can’t promise this one to be a launch day version, unfortunately. It may take us some additional weeks.