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Deltarune Chapter 4 development “going better than ever”, not discussing release date yet

Posted on May 16, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Deltarune Chapter 4 development

In the latest newsletter to fans, Deltarune creator Toby Fox shared an update on development of Chapter 4, but was also quick to caution that we won’t be hearing about a release date anytime soon.

Fox said that more people have been brought on to the team. As for Chapter 4, it’s “going better than ever” and “on track to meet our internal deadline.”

For those interested in a release date, Fox doesn’t seem comfortable setting any deadlines. He explained: “Even if Chapter 4 is completed smoothly, there may be surprise factors, so we’re not at the point where we can make a solid promise”.

Here’s the full update on Deltarune Chapter 4’s development, release date, and more:

For the great news… Thanks to increased management power provided by my new producer, we’ve been able to hire a few more people onto the team! Everyone’s only been working on the team for a little over a month and a half, but it’s making a real difference already. The producers M.O. is, “for the fan’s sake, let’s finish this before we become old and wrinkled” … I agree! (instantly stops being wrinkled)

The other news…

Chapter 4 development is going better than ever. We are on track to meet our internal deadline. The new hires are already making a great difference to improve the atmosphere and feel of the chapter. I feel really good about this, champ.

Here’s the current progress:

  • Cutscenes: Only a few ones left (some tough ones)! Other than that, need polish.
  • Battles: All the attacks are technically done, but still trying to improve the flow of the the bosses.
  • Overworld: Still need to create around 10 maps! And polish some others.
  • Gimmicks: A kind of complicated gimmick nearly has all of its iterations made. Then there’s whatever needs to go in those 10 maps, and one more thing. (A gimmick is something like the teacup ride from Chapter 2.)

After all that’s done, everything needs to be flattened out with the steamroller of improvement and pacing. (This takes an unknown amount of time.)

It’s my hope that the next time I update you, a first pass of the entire Chapter 4 will already be at least halfway crushed by a steamroller! And, at least some of the team will be moved over to Chapter 5!

The other other news is…

Despite the game making great progress, we can’t discuss the release date yet. Even if Chapter 4 is completed smoothly, there may be surprise factors, so we’re not at the point where we can make a solid promise. That being said, we will let you guys know as soon as we can! I can’t wait for you guys to see more of the moments and characters I’ve had in my head for the past 8 years…

In other words, the release is still quite far… but also a very real thing that is weighing on us more and more with each passing month.

It sounds like Deltarune is still a long way off, but you can actually try the game out already. The first two chapters can be downloaded for free on the Switch eShop right now.

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