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Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099 confirmed for Switch

Posted on March 7, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099

Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099 is making its way to Switch, it’s been revealed. The game is intended to launch later on May 25, 2023.

If this title sounds familiar, it’s because the original Do Not Feed the Monkeys previously appeared on Switch. It ended up on the console back in 2020.

As for the new game, here’s what to expect:

You’ve been invited to join The Primate Observation Club. Live out all your heart’s desires as the newest member and if you are already in the Club, it’s time to move up the ladder.

Observe the monkeys behind cages from the comfort of your home, stash some cash with your side hustle jobs, and maybe even play the role of a divine being by manipulating the lives of your subjects. Don’t hesitate, it’s time to make 2099 your year!

It’s 2099 and alien knowledge has caused rapid advancements in technology to the point that big corporations now sponsor planets. Stripped of resources, Earth is now a wasteland and humanity has spread across the galaxy. Humans, robots, and aliens now live side by side.

The MonkeyVision app helps you manage hidden cameras and monitor cages. Make observations and search the internet to learn more about each subject. Need more cameras? Pick up side jobs for money, all the while avoiding that wacky conspiracy theorist next door.

Get to know the subjects and you might get the chance to interact with them. Hack security systems, make threatening phone calls or even put your own flavor on an unusual beverage. But then forget all those things, because that’s against Club rules!

For previous Club member alumni, you’ll notice we’ve also added some community-requested features beyond the new game experience.

An OmniPal: Gone are the days of surveillance solitude. OmniPals are artificial intelligence represented by holograms that act as promoters of companies. OmniPals are another window into the outside world and may offer some other mysterious functions.

End Game Content: Once you’ve finished the game, new and exciting features such as a Fast Forwarding ability will be available. Who knows what other rewards await you!

A Peephole: Peepholes aren’t standard equipment, but eventually you’ll be able to get one. Get a sneak peek at who’s knocking on your door before deciding to open it.

Luis Oliván, co-founder of Fictiorama Studios, said of today’s news: “It’s so exciting to be working on a Nintendo Switch version of Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099. It’s the perfect audience for our especially quirky digital voyeur simulator and we think, combined with our Steam release, players new and old will love what we’ve got to offer come May 25th.”

Get a look at a trailer for the game below.

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