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Doctor Strange table coming to Marvel Pinball

Posted on October 12, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

A new Doctor Strange table will be released for Marvel Pinball (through Zen Pinball 2) later this year, Zen Studios has announced.

Here’s the official overview:

Strange’s rival sorcerer Baron Mordo has called upon the demonic forces of the Dread Dormammu and the Fear Lord, Nightmare, all part of his plot to assume the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme for himself. Meanwhile, Shuma-Gorath, the Lord of Chaos, resides in the background with nefarious plans of his own…

Numerous voiceover lines and situations were adapted straight from 50 years of Doctor Strange comic books for this table, including the classic first two issues of DOCTOR STRANGE, SORCERER SUPREME (1988), wherein Dormammu threatened our dimension by overtaking Strange in his own body. Only with carefully cast spells (i.e., deadeye shots from you, the player) does Strange hope to stand a chance against inconceivable odds.

Doctor Strange will be available in December. Screenshots can be found above.

Source: Zen Studios PR

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