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Ember Knights update out now (version 1.5.0), patch notes

Posted on July 29, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Ember Knights update 1.5.0

Ember Knights got its latest update on Switch today, and it’s another big one with version 1.5.0.

The update is highlighted by requests for full save and quit support. Elsewhere there are a ton of adjustments and improvements across the board, as well as bug fixes.

Here’s the full rundown:

Ember Knights update version 1.5.0 patch notes

New Content and Features
Save & Quit
  • Quit from pretty much anywhere and be able to resume your run at a later date!
Multiplayer Improvements
  • Updated a bunch of achievements and challenges in multiplayer games so clients also get credit for unlocking the achievement
    • Weapons Training
      • Unlock your first new weapon
    • Record Keeper
      • Unlock the Compendium
    • A Fire Ignited
      • Restore Ember to the Ember Tree
    • Orbs Orbs Orbs
      • Identify your first Relic Orb
    • Strange Markings
      • Identify your first Skill Tablet
    • Master at Arms
      • Unlock all weapons
    • Weapon Engineer
      • Unlock weapon modding
  • Updated to award clients with Care Package relics
  • Updated to award clients with Mimic King’s Consort for beating the minigame
  • Updated to award clients with Bob’s Containment Field for completing the broken jar sequence
  • Updated so clients get credit for discovering relic orbs
  • Updated to still spawn skill tablets if any of the players still need it
  • Updated the Marvin sequence so it plays any sequences that have not been seen by a client
  • Updated to allow players to use their last equipped weapon
  • Updated the player select screen to support choosing your player color from your color presets
  • Added Rejoin to the multiplayer menu in the Main Menu
  • Updated the HUD so the player’s is always on the left
  • Updated the HUD and boss health bars to hide when the player runs behind them
  • Updated the Options menu and added a settings tab
Revive Improvements
  • Automatic revives after 3 combat rooms
  • Updated the HUD to display the correct revive message
Visual Clarity Improvements
  • Updated the player indicator to show a ring and arrow that match the player’s flame color
    • Added a toggle in the Options menu to turn this on or off
  • Added a dimmer to the Options menu for adjusting the opacity of the HUD
Ember Tree UI Improvements
  • We reworked the Ember Tree UI to look more like the Ember Shrine and function like the weapon modding UI. We also added your current upgrades to the Ember Tree tooltip, so you no longer need to open the UI just to see what upgrades you have equipped.
Golden Steward
  • As a fun little bonus, you can now encounter Goldie throughout a run. Defeat this glittery little loot Steward and he’ll be sure to reward you with his stash of gold!
Special Anniversary Steward Gift & New Player Color
  • It’s been about a year since we released 1.0 and the Stewards have been paying attention to all your hard work over this past year. They’ve worked really hard on a neat little present for you and it can be found on your first visit back to the Nexus!
Balancing & Minor Adjustments
  • Updated ultimate upgrades to no longer automatically equip after 2 upgrades are equipped
  • Removed upgrade options from the skill selectors in Scoggfirth
  • Updated a bunch of individual upgrades:
    • Blast Bomb Upgrade III
      • Reduced damage on the 3 bombs by 50%
    • Knight’s Charge Ultimate Upgrade
      • Requires hitting unique enemies to refresh
    • Warrior Wisps Upgrade III
      • Reduced healing by 50%
    • Hailstone Armor Upgrade III
      • Invulnerability clears after 4s or when you attack or cast another skill
    • Ballista Upgrade II
      • Reduced damage on the 3 arrows by 33%
    • Ballista Upgrade III
      • Reduced healing from 2 to 1 with a maximum of 15 HP per Ballista. Added a 5s cooldown
    • Judgment Upgrade I
      • Reduced damage on the additional set of lightning bolts by 50%
    • Seek and Destroy Upgrade II
      • Reduced healing by 50%
    • Cloak and Dagger Upgrade I
      • Reduced damage on the 3 daggers by 33%
    • Arlan’s Lucky Dice Upgrade I
      • Set a limit of 1 food item and 1 stat gem per room
    • Arlan’s Lucky Dice Upgrade II
      • Set a limit of 2 Wisps and 1 Ballista. Additional rolls will replace the current Wisp or Ballista
    • Arlan’s Lucky Dice Ultimate Upgrade
      • Updated to require a perfect cast. Second dice deals 75% damage
    • Soul Siphon Upgrade II
      • Reduced damage on additional lasers by 50%
    • Gravity Well Upgrade I
      • Reduced the range of the laser. Updated the distance to be controlled by the charge time
  • Updated the following relics:
    • Spell in a Bottle
      • Removed the ability for the projectiles from this relic to refresh skills
      • Reduced projectile damage from 25 to 15
    • Magic Tome
      • Reduced AOE damage from 25 to 20
    • Pristine Band
      • Reduced base health gain from 5 to 3
      • Reduced max owned from 5 to 4
  • Suppression Obelisk changed from lifetime to hit counter
  • Added a skill selector or relic refinement to empty secret rooms
  • Added number of loops and chain of perfect rooms to the summary screen
  • Added a windowed option
  • Reduced the volume on the company logos
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where killing enemies wasn’t updating the relic orb enemy kill counter on the save slot
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could become pulled before finishing their spawn animation
  • Fixed a bug with Praxis where he could occasionally teleport out of the room
  • Fixed a bug with Shared Fate and Praxis buffed enemies where players would take more damage than they should
  • Fixed a bug with Effigeist where his HP would increase after being frozen
  • Fixed a bug with Hypercharger where his attack indicators could become displaced
  • Fixed a bug with Hailstone Armor’s Ultimate Upgrade where the ice ring could permanently freeze elite and champion enemies
  • Fixed a bug with Judgment’s Ultimate Upgrade where Praxis could take damage when he’s no longer visible in the room
  • Fixed a few issues with cursed relics and their cleansed versions where they weren’t being tracked consistently in the Compendium
  • Fixed some minor visual issues with the Knight when equipped with the Rift Hammer
  • Fixed a bug where skipping a selection in a selector could cause the game timer to resume ticking
  • Fixed a few multiplayer bugs related to the intro sequences for Praxis
  • Fixed a multiplayer bug where clients would only take 1 damage from Defense Bot’s projectile attack
  • Fixed a multiplayer bug where clients could identify Soul Siphon and Gravity Well again if the host hasn’t unlocked them yet
  • Fixed a multiplayer bug where some clients could not see the destroyed the Volt buff
  • Fixed a bug where the button mapping for skill upgrade details wasn’t appearing (Switch only)

The Ember Knights version 1.5.0 update is now live on Switch. You can access more on the game here.

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