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Fast-paced multiplayer party game Lunch A Palooza heading to Switch

Posted on March 18, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Seashell Studio has announced Lunch A Palooza, a fast-paced multiplayer party game. It’s due out on Switch this spring via the eShop.

Here’s an overview of Lunch A Palooza:

In Lunch A Palooza players enter frenetic food fights as one of eight dishes, pushing other delicacies off the table in single player or local multiplayer for up to four people. Pepper your character with power-ups to spice up your unique attacks. When dishing out the pain anything goes, from serving side dishes to sweep up the competition, to setting up push traps to clear the table for the next sitting. Remember, the dinner table arena is a hazardous place for food with flying forks and knives always trying to nab a piece of you.

Lunch A Palooza offers a full menu of game modes sure to meet everyone’s tastes. The “Main Course” is a free-for-all with each player having five lives while battling to be the last edible standing. The “Royal Buffet” is an all you can eat version of the “Main Course” where you have unlimited lives but a set time to clear the competition away, with the player with the least falls winning. If you want something simpler, the “Side Dish” offers team battles and last but not least is the chef’s special, “King of the Cloche”, where players battle it out for cloche domination.

Featuring courses of four game modes, a colorful cast of whimsical characters and simple controls, Lunch a Palooza offers a thrilling food party where everyone is invited.

And a trailer:

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