Game night! (04/30)

If you’re like me and you picked up Monster Hunter Tri last week, chances are you’re also like me and haven’t been able to put it down since. I am, in fact, playing it at this very moment (anyone wanna hop online with me?) and have been letting it take up far too much of my precious free time. That being the case, what better way to celebrate the launch than to have it be our next game for game night!?
Therefore, this week’s game night will be on Friday at 7PM CST (8PM EST, 5PM PST) and will work just a little differently than most.
Being as Monster Hunter is a game that is only playable by 4 people at a time online, we’ll have to divide up into teams (if we get enough players, that is!). We’ll have team leaders, one of them being myself, and (permitting they have the game) other staff members will be other team leaders. If none of them have the game, I’ll call upon some people on the night of the game night to take over.
Every few quest victories/failures, we’ll switch groups so everyone gets a chance to play with everyone else, and we’ll just keep repeating that until we get bored!
If you have any questions/comments, feel free to ask away! Otherwise, just let me know via e-mail, the comments, or the forum if you plan on playing!