Game night 2.0! (05/29)

Hey guys! I definitely promised myself that I would get this announcement up on Saturday, but something came up and things got too hectic for me to do anything at all site related until today! But hey, I’m back and here it is, the new and improved game night! How is it improved you ask? Well, here’s how:
We no longer have one specific game we’re going to play.
It has come to my attention that occasionally all of us playing might get bored of the game we’re playing (I’m look at you, The Conduit!) and having the rule of just playing one game doesn’t give us much leeway to do what we want. Additionally, it bars certain people from entering the game nights who don’t own certain games! So, starting now, all you have to do is show up and see who else is online to play with! One of the staff members might not necesarily be in your game, so you’ll have to check in with one of us via IRC to see what we’re playing, but there’s a much better chance you’ll find people to play with this way! So show up this Friday and join us to play whatever it is we play!