Game Night results – Winners!

Tonight’s game night, if I do say so myself, was one of the best ones we’ve ever had! There were a few new faces, as well as all the returning folks that show up every week, and the mix we had was really a great one! First and foremost, I want to thank everyone that showed up for the awesome time we had, and I really hope all the newcomers come back next week. Secondly, of course, we have to announce some winners (as we did have prizes this week!), so without further ado, here are our two winners:
In first place, we have our resident Mario Kart champ, Ronin180. Ronin has been with us for Game Night literally every night since the beginning, from the days when it was just me, him, and Valay to the more recent days where we have a good group. He swept the board today with a whopping 167 total points in our 12 recorded matches!
Second place, we have a newcomer to game nights, Yohonson, who came in second with 65 points. Yohonson joined us tonight and hopped in for the matches we played, and expressed his enjoyment. He should be back many weeks into the future, and we really look forward to seeing him around more!
If the two winners could contact us by e-mailing us via the contact form, we can work out receiving your prizes! Remember that to be eligible for the prizes, you must live within the North American region (United States as well, I think!) in the case that we cannot get the prizes out to you, we will do our best to both make it up to you and to distribute the un-usable prizes as fairly as possible.
Thanks again, guys! We really look forward to seeing you again next week!