Game nights – Final update!

Hello, fine visitors of! I’ve got one last update about these game nights before they get underway (except the post immediately before they start, of course), and it’s super important! To start, the game we’ve chosen to play, as decided by the poll, is indeed Mario Kart Wii. This means that everyone here who has Mario Kart Wii should either send me an e-mail with their friend code (if they haven’t already), post it in the “Game Nights” topic on the forum, or join the forum and post it in the comments section below.
What to do if you want to participate:
Assuming I already have your friend code, there’s just one or two simple things you have to do. To start, you have to let me or Valay know you plan on participating in this specific game night. How can you do this? Any way you can think of! E-mail us, send us a private message on the forum, or contact one of us in some other manner; all we need is to know that you want to play a few rounds of Mario Kart this Saturday! When you contact us, feel free to throw your friend code in with the message if you haven’t already and you’re too lazy to find every single one of your codes.
Come Saturday, everyone should expect to be online at 7PM CST/8PM EST/5PM PST/anything else you need to calculate. This is extremely important to ensure we get going quickly, and play as many matches as we can! During the whole thing, we’ll (hopefully) have an IRC chat going on the forum for any smack-talking or praise we need to dish out, but if not, we’ll find SOME way to communicate with each other during or between games!
Last thing: The list of who will 100% for sure be playing will be posted Saturday morning/early afternoon! When it is posted, make sure you add all of the friend codes of people in your “group” (you’ll see what I mean come Saturday), and then we’ll begin when everyone is ready! Hopefully all of this hard work will pay off, and I have a feeling it will, so stick with me and let’s have an awesome time this Saturday!
Any questions? Post them in the comments! I’ll be monitoring this post carefully to make sure I can answer everything.