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Gamesbymo wants to get A.N.N.E out by the end of 2014

Posted on June 5, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Gamesbymo’s indie game A.N.N.E is a long ways off. No release date – or release window – has been set, but developer Mo Breton hopes to have the game out by the end of next year.

“It is hard to give a set date for this yet, but I would really love to get the game out on the eShop before the end of 2014.”

Wii U development of A.N.N.E is just underway. Breton said that he’s keeping the system in mind and the functionality provided by the GamePad as some final decisions are made.

“We are just getting started on the Wii U version. My focus is currently 100% on completing the game and as I move forward with some final decisions I keep the Wii U in mind in order to take advantage of specific Wii U hardware feature like the Wii U Gamepad.”


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