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Journal probable for Wii U

Posted on June 27, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Richard Perrin, the creator of Kairo, will probably be bringing his next game to Wii U.

Journal is a new adventure title that emphasizes character interaction, dialogue and narrative choices. You’ll be playing as a young girl who experiences childhood issues including lying to friends, cheating on tests, and more.

It sounds like Journal has a pretty good shot of hitting the eShop when it launches (hopefully) later this year.

Perrin said the following when asked if he intends to get the game up and running on Wii U:

Yeah, because Nintendo have been a lot more open with indies than they necessarily have historically, and I think that’s a great sign of this generation where even the big companies are looking more to indies, and so I met up with the Nintendo guys at PAX and GDC earlier this year, and now they’ve already sent me out a devkit and the equipment needed to take a game like this and get it onto their platform.

I’ve already managed to get rough bits and pieces working, and the hope is that this will eventually come out on Wii U later in the year. Obviously, Nintendo still have an approval process, so I can’t guarantee it, but I don’t see that there’d be any problems.


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