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Kimishima – Super Mario Run over 200 million downloads, version 3.0 increasing interest

Posted on October 30, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Super Mario Run has hit the 200 million mark for downloads. Overseas downloads comprise more than
90% of the total, and in spite of the difficulties in bringing a Japanese gaming application for smart
devices to the global market, we were able to distribute a Mario game broadly, including to countries and regions
not previously reached by our dedicated video game platform business.

Our aim is for this application to be the definitive Mario application for smart devices. The major update to version 3.0 in September added, among other things, the new “Remix10” mode to allow for shorter bursts of thrilling play. Thankfully, it appears that “Remix10” and other updates have excited both consumers who have already purchased Super Mario Run as well as consumers who are downloading it for the first time. We also ran campaigns to foster more interest, including a special price offer for a limited period, to commemorate the release of the new version.
Although we have not yet reached an acceptable profit point, we have learned a lot in terms of game development and deployment that we want to take advantage of moving forward.


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