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Mischief game Widget Satchel coming soon to Switch

Posted on October 17, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Noble Robot today announced Widget Satchel, a “ferret-powered mischief game”. It will be out on Switch before the end of 2019.

We have the following overview and trailer for Widget Satchel:

Widget Satchel is a mischief game for the masses. You play as Sprocket, a pet ferret on a remote space station. As you zoom about the station evading your human caretakers, you steal things like widgets and socks. And you stash them, because you’re a ferret.

The game has a unique difficulty curve that scales to how many widgets you can steal. The more you take, the heavier you get, requiring more skill to proceed through levels full of junk and robots. Once you’ve encumbered enough widgets, you can turn them into doohickies, like magnets! Doohickies help you enter areas you weren’t able to before, thus resulting in a real candidate for ferretroidvania of the year.

Widget Satchel features:

– Replayable areas with “metroidvania-lite” pathing
– Trapdoors, lifts, hydraulic pillars, and other nonsense machinery to manipulate
– Sock-exclusive inventory system
– Humans to mildly inconvenience

Source: Noble Robot PR

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