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Narrative action game Death Noodle Delivery seeing Switch release

Posted on February 22, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Death Noodle Delivery

Publisher Troglobytes Games, in collaboration with developers Tiny Pixel and Stupidi Pixel, confirmed today that they’re putting Death Noodle Delivery on Switch. A release is planned for later in 2024.

Death Noodle Delivery is a narrative action game in which players ride a hoverboard and try to survive in a cyberpunk world on the brink of collapse. Additional details are available in the following overview:

Welcome to Death Noodle Delivery Inc. Jimmy: your gig’s a cakewalk, chum… Deliver my noodles, don’t waste a single portion and most importantly… try not to die.

Key Features

  • Fast paced Action Delivery: Ride your hoverboard and deliver your boss’ noodles, but be careful: there are plenty of dangers lurking in this cyberpunk city on the brink of collapse, from AI drones to bad drivers, I’d keep your eyes on the road.
  • Hack and Bomb: Upgrade your old hoverboard from a rusty ironing board to a perfected killing machine. Jailbreak AI paywalls and unlock new power-ups that let you manipulate time and launch explosive cats!
  • Discover the secret of this world: Talk to your neighbours and find out their dirty stories. Browse the web for hacks and pleasure. Survive long enough, and you may discover that this world hides a terrible secret.
  • Try & Error: Use AI to simulate your deliveries whilst trying out your new board’s features, before applying them to the real world – it could save your life.

Take a look at a trailer for Death Noodle Delivery below.

Official Trailer

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