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NintendoEverything enters ‘Extra Life’ 24 hour gaming marathon to help raise money for charity, and it’s all streaming live, on October 20th/21st!

Posted on October 19, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Site updates

tl;dr – Austin is going to stream 24 hours of gaming and perform hilarious commentary, all for charity. And YOU get to decide which games are played.

Twelve games. Two hours each. One man (and sometimes the rest of the ‘Here’s a Podcast’ gang, schedules permitting). Donate here.

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Update: We will be streaming Saturday at 8AM via either uStream or TwitchTV! The games we play will be announced tomorrow! PLEASE consider donating (even $5– I’m sure a lot of you have a few dollars in bank accounts somewhere!) to help kids. I want to let you know that– due to demand– we’re adding a few “terribad” games to our list, which means we’re going to play a single terribad game for two hours straight at some point Saturday/Sunday. Maybe twice! And you can watch!

I’ve never made a single penny from all the writing and podcasting and video-making I do for Nintendo Everything. I would never think to ask you guys for money for myself. That’s not at all why I started writing for NE and not at all why I keep doing it!

That being said, I’m asking for money from you for the first time ever. Not for me, but for kids without health insurance who need medical care across the country. It’s all part of something called “Extra Life“; a huge charity event that pits players against time as they attempt to game for 24 hours straight, requesting “sponsorship” from friends and family for each hour that they play. It’s an awesome way to put gaming to good use.

Here are the only two rules:

1. Austin will be playing games all 24 hours, only stopping to go to the bathroom or trade off on single player games. He’ll still be there offering commentary to make things funny, and his eyes will never leave the TV.

2. Eating will be done while playing.

3. If other members give up, Austin will keep playing. Austin is strong. Austin will not stop.

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Why Should I Donate?

Well, firstly to help kids. Any amount is great– a dollar, five dollars, ten, seven, thirteen, a hundred thousand–, and one hundred percent of it goes straight to the kids. No administrative costs for the organization, no money for Nintendo Everything, no reimbursement for how much I’ll be spending on caffeine– absolutely 100% of it goes to helping people in need. It is, as donations all are, tax deductible.

Beyond that though, I’m giving to you in return for your generosity. Not only will I be playing games from 8AM Saturday morning to 8AM Sunday morning, but I will also be streaming the entire thing live so you can slowly watch me go from alert and focused to delirious, reflexive, and exhausted. The whole thing will be like Mystery Science Theater, but for video games, live, and really really tired. It is bound to be hilarious fun.

Oh, and did I mention that you guys get to decide what games I play? There will be one game from each genre played in two hour spurts (which means twelve games in total), and voting is open now!

When Is This Happening?

The fun starts at 8AM, October 20th and ends at 8AM, October 21st.

What Games?

Nobody knows yet! Voting will be open shortly.

What If I Have No Money?

You can watch the event regardless of whether or not you donate, but if you want to help out without monetary donations, share my ‘Extra Life’ page on Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, etc and tell them your friend Austin is going insane to raise money for charity.

Thank you guys so very much! It’s a pleasure to be able to make features for you, and I hope you consider supporting Nintendo Everything’s efforts to raise a bit of money!

Vote here!

Donate here!

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