Nintendo on increase in third-party Switch sales, digital sales, sales in Asia
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
Titles from other software publishers are also seeing a steady rise alongside Nintendo Switch. Nintendo’s revenue related to software from other software publishers was more than twofold during April through December of 2018.
This chart presents a comparison of digital content sales for our dedicated video game platform business over the
years. Digital sales have expanded since Nintendo Switch was launched in March 2017. The background to this is that, in addition to the pure growth in sales volumes for Nintendo Switch software and the associated growth in overall digital sales, there are more consumers choosing digital versions of packaged software, as well as growth in download-only titles, addon content, and subscription services, such as Nintendo Switch Online, from both Nintendo and other software publishers.Meanwhile, the sales volume for Nintendo Switch in the Asia region is growing significantly compared to past Nintendo platforms. Sell-in for Nintendo Switch in the Asia region has already reached more than twice the cumulative sell-in for Nintendo 3DS. Looking at the percentage of units shipped to the Asia region compared to its total cumulative sell-in, Nintendo 3DS cumulative sell-in never reached more than the 1-plus-percent range, while the figure for Nintendo Switch is already 7 percent.