Nintendo on Switch Online subscriptions and digital sales
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
Nintendo Switch Online, the paid service that expands the online functionality of Nintendo Switch, became
available in September 2018. The launch went according to expectations, except that consumers who have purchased a subscription to this point opted for a 12- month Family or Individual Membership consist of more than half of total subscribers, which is more than anticipated.This chart presents a comparison of digital content sales in our dedicated video game platform business over the
years. Digital sales also have expanded since the launch of Nintendo Switch. Such sales reached a record high in
the first half of the fiscal year ending March 2019. As the sales volume of Nintendo Switch software increased, so did consumer demand for the downloadable versions of the software, and this gave a boost to digital sales. This breaks down to downloadable versions of packaged software accounting for approximately 60% of all digital sales. Although the ratio itself has not changed from last year, note that sales of download-only software and add-on content have been on the increase.