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Nintendo on Switch software sales, Yoshi’s Crafted World played by many female users

Posted on April 25, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…

Sell-through of first-party Nintendo Switch titles has remained good, with both new and previously-released titles performing well even after January subsequent to the holiday season, and ultimately exceeding last year’s Q4 growth by 50%.

This graph shows the trend in cumulative sell-through over one year. The pace throughout the fiscal year ended March 2019 was better than the previous year, and it accelerated considerably during the holiday season. Full-year sell-through was up 70% over the previous year.

New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe sold over a million copies within two weeks of its release in January 2019, and has continued to maintain a steady pace. As of the end of March, cumulative sell-through had passed 2.5 million units globally. It has also helped drive hardware sales since the start of the year, and we have confirmed that it is contributing to active engagement with Nintendo Switch.

Initial sales of Yoshi’s Crafted World, released at the end of March, have like many of the other Nintendo Switch games released so far, outperformed that of past titles in the series. In addition, the percentage of female consumers is relatively high for this title compared to other Nintendo Switch titles, both in Japan and overseas.


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