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Nintendo says it is banning Switch users who are displaying inappropriate/unauthorized material in online games

Posted on June 29, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

This month, news made the rounds concerning certain Switch owners who have been abusing the avatar functionality. After hacking the system, these users have been able to display any image as their profile icons.

Unfortunately, this became a problem in Super Mario Odyssey. One player encountered a hacked profile that showed a pornopgraphic image through Luigi’s Balloon World.

Nintendo has since issued a statement, confirming that it is going after users abusing the icon feature. An official statement from the company reads:

“A very small number of consumers have been using modified Nintendo Switch systems to display inappropriate or unauthorized material in certain online games. Nintendo always strives to provide a positive experience for all consumers and this includes continuously monitoring all threats to its products’ security and taking swift and strong action to prevent them. Modified Nintendo Switch systems have been banned.”


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