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Omega Strikers update (version 2.2) available now, patch notes

Posted on June 14, 2023 by in News, Switch eShop

Another extensive update has been released for Omega Strikers, bringing the game up to version 2.2. on Switch. This update brings a few gameplay changes alongside the usual balancing adjustments and bug fixes to individual characters. Full details can be found below:

Surrender System
  • In Normal and Competitive modes, either team may now surrender during the Awakening Draft phase between sets if they have lost at least 2 sets in the game or have a player on their team that is inactive.
    • “Inactive” in most cases means disconnected from the match, but will also apply to players that haven’t made any inputs in 40 seconds of one point.
    • Everyone on the team (not including inactive players) must vote to surrender for a surrender to occur.
  • Teams that surrender lose the match and will lose rank as if they had lost normally.
Auto Match Cancel System
  • If a player is detected as inactive early on into a match, the match will automatically cancel
  • A player that causes an automatic match cancellation will be penalized as if they had lost the match. This penalty will also apply to players in their pre-made group they queued up together with.
  • Penalties will not be incurred if you/your premade member caused an auto-match cancel and it was the first time within the last 2 weeks.
Competitive Mode Integrity Changes
  • Players above Challenger will no longer be able to enter Competitive mode in a premade group, they must queue up solo.
  • Players that solo queue at ANY rank will benefit from higher minimum rating gains if they win a match to balance out cases where they had to fill into a less than ideal match
    • Minimum win rating gains reduced at Challenger tier and above.
New Rank Tier – Pro League
  • We’ve introduced a new rank tier: Pro League. Only the top players in each region can qualify to be within the Pro League tier. A player needs to have at least 100 points in the Omega Tier to be promoted into the Pro League tier.
    • That doesn’t mean once you hit 100 points in Omega you are automatically added to the pro-league!
    • There is a hard limit to the amount of players that can be in the Pro League, so be sure to fight for every LP you can!
  • There is no longer a multiplier that will weigh events more favorably later in the game for the purpose of determining the end of game MVP
Game Content Refund System
  • All accounts start with 3 refund tokens that you can use to refund eligible content.
    • Details on how to use the refund system can be found on our support site.
Night Market and Oni Village

Doing some maintenance on these maps by making the Speed boosts boost speed a tiny bit more, but largely aimed at making the rules more consistent.

  • Oni Village Core speed bonus :: 75 → 100
  • Max Core Speed :: 2,000 → 2,100 (now matches previous Night Market max speed)
  • Night Market Core speed boost will more consistently grant speed up to the max (2,100)
  • [BUGFIX] No longer will slow the Core down if it’s already beyond it’s max speed (most frequently happens with Energy Burst into strike)
Practice Mode
  • You can now head into PRACTICE MODE from the queue selector and practice those sick trick shots

Our favorite app has gone viral: she’s particularly popular and pretty potent. 5 stars. We’re pulling back on how much reach she has, which we suspect will especially tap her down as a goalie.

  • Glitch.Pop [PRIMARY]
    • Range :: 980 → 900
  • Barrier Beam [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Shield no longer occasionally lets the core pass through.
  • Flutter Fly [SECONDARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Resolved an issue where quick casts of her secondary in succession via Twin Drive would not correctly apply the full duration of the buff
  • Flame Flurry [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] Staggered targets getting hit by the light hit portion will no longer be able to Evade before the final hit

Clarion Corp has been hard at work upgrading Rasmus’ signature ability, allowing it to benefit from size, duration, and power modifiers such as Monumentalist and Timeless Creator. Note: Death Touch is still considered a projectile during its initial travel, so it’ll will benefit from projectile modifiers such as Missile Propulsion, but transforms into a creation once it expands. We hope this change gives Rasmus some fun new options during the Awakening draft, even if everyone bans him on Ai.Mi’s App!

  • Death Touch [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 18s
    • [NEW] Now considered a CREATION after it enters its empowered state

When Octavia gets flowing, she gets winning. She’s already actually pretty strong AND she has a bugfix buff incoming so we’re making sure she doesn’t flow out of control.

  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: Increased from 16s → 18s
    • Base Duration :: Reduced from 2.5s → 2s
    • Haste Gain per Second :: reduced from 2.5% → 2%
    • BUGFIX :: Fixed a bug where Octavia would use a random player’s BUFF duration enhancement stat instead of her own to extend the duration of Flow State
  • Power Chord [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Recharge time is no longer unintentionally increased to 8s with Prime Time (always 7s now)
  • Iai Rush [SECONDARY]
    • Indicator now shows full area he’ll hit, instead of location of his dash. This should be much more accurate for enemies now. Note: it’ll also seem bigger for Zentaro but his range is unchanged!
  • Oni’s Blade [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] If a singular enemy is Staggered within the area during the Special, they will be knockback-locked until the final hit
    • [BUGFIX] Hopefully no longer falls off the map while in the middle of this Special

Gear is sitting in a relatively balanced place, but we’re giving Pummelers a bonus to its speed bonus so those KOs translate to wins.

  • Speed on Striker Advantage :: 15% → 20%

We’re welcoming some new Energy related Awakenings, rotating out some Awakenings that have been stifling in high MMR play, and doing some bugfixing and light balance. As a reminder: getting rotated out doesn’t mean gone forever!

  • Aerials
    • [BUGFIX] No longer shows a warning for Strikers with mobility abilities
  • Bulk Up and Peak Performance
    • [BUGFIX] Tooltips in game now accurately represent the extra stats given for Stagger
  • Primetime
    • Primary ability hits 10% harder → 5% harder
  • Super Surge
    • DASH, BLINK, and HASTE abilities hit 20% harder → 25% harder
Rotated Out
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Stagger Swagger
  • Stinger
  • Unstoppable
Rotated In
  • Egoist
    • [NEW] Evades refund 5 Energy (15 from Energy Bursts). Reaching max Energy grants 75% Speed for 8s, reducing to 5% Speed while you remain at max Energy.
  • Catalyst
    • [NEW] Gain 50% more Energy from dealing hits. Being hit generates 3 Energy (1 for LIGHT hits).
  • Fire Up!
    • [NEW] Gain 10 Energy on round start. Casting Energy Burst restores 30% of max Energy to other allies and Speeds up your whole team by 40% for 5s.
  • Reverberation
    • [NEW] Gain 250 max Stagger and .8 Cooldown Rate per 100 max Stagger.
  • Some Goal explosions no longer look very low quality on Ultra or lower settings.
  • UI Mission Timers are now all displayed correctly.
  • Strikes are no longer able to “stop” the core in some situations
  • MVP animations no longer “pop back” to idle just before transitioning to the end of game screen.
  • Audio and SFX are no longer dropped during active gameplay.
  • If Vyce is KO’d while using Super Nova [SPECIAL], the VFX will no longer remain playing for the entire match.
  • Striker Ability Information UI will no longer get stuck for controller and gamepad during a match.


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