Peter Moore doesn’t really like the selling of used games, but he recognizes it’s a retailer/consumer right
Peter Moore, talking about eliminating the issue of used games by embracing Free-to-Play:
“Used games were a bigger issue for the industry – I wasn’t resigned to it, but I recognised that it was the right of gamers and the right of our retailer. To be very fair, GameStop has always been very public about the fact that [they] keep the ecosystem moving with revenue that comes in, and it’s not like they go and take their game credit and go to McDonald’s and buy burgers. They re-up into new games.” – EA COO Peter Moore
Something I can really respect is someone who says “I don’t like this, but I understand why it’s important and I won’t try to change it.”. Even though I don’t like EA a lot of the time, I sure do like Peter Moore!