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Pokemon Black and White 2 are more “complex” and “made for the fans”

Posted on September 28, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News

I don’t think anybody can argue that Pokemon is one of Nintendo’s biggest franchises. It’s so big that a lot of people actually forget to lump it in as a “Nintendo” game and instead consider it its own property– and in a way it is. For people who have been invested in the series for years though, stuff might finally be getting old. That’s why, according to Assistant Manager of Product Marketing Seth McMahill, they made Pokemon Black and White 2 deeper and more complex, aiming at more “core” Pokemon players…

“Pokémon fans, in the past, always had to deal with what we call ‘grinding the grass,’ where after you get around to beating the Elite 4, it’s like, ‘What we do now? Keep going through that, or go fight in the grass where characters are 20 levels below?’

“But this time around, this is a sequel. And all the core fans knew about [EVs and IVs] already. They’ve been talking about it constantly, and it was a big part of Pokémon. And although it was in the undercurrent before as you mentioned, this time we decided, let’s bring it out into the open. Let’s open up the complexity of Pokémon for people who want it.”

“So, although this game appeals to anybody—obviously, I have to say that, as I work at Nintendo—as a Pokémon fan myself, when I first picked it up and started playing it, I was absolutely blown away. I was like, ‘This game is made for the fans.’ Anybody can play it, but a fan is going to love it, because they’ve opened up all those things.”

Hmm.. Looks like it might be time for me to get back into Pokemon! I was getting a little bored of the same ol’ same ol.

Via Siliconera

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